Why Do We Shiver During Winter Season And While Suffering With Fever

Why Do We Shiver During Winter Season And While Suffering With Fever

Why Do We Shiver During Winters: Do you feel cold too much? Or do you think that other people forcefully keep shouting winter-winter… Although women do not compromise with their style and looks even in winter weddings, but do you know that women are more cold than men. Looks… no? So you are going to know many such interesting and knowledgeable things here. Come, let’s start with the human body temperature…

What is normal body temperature?

  • Usually the normal body temperature remains around 37 degree Celsius, which is around 98.6 in Fahrenheit. In this temperature of the body, sometimes there is a one or two degrees back and forth, no matter what the weather is. But when the temperature of the body gets disturbed, then understand that the body has fallen ill and we call this condition of the disease as fever.
  • But this question must be coming in your mind that even though there is such a severe winter, the temperature of the body is the same as it is in summer, while in summer the mercury reaches above 45 degrees and now it is 13- Running around 14. So the reason for this is that our body has both AC and heater to maintain its natural temperature! And only during the process of heating the body, shivering occurs in the body. Know the whole thing…

Why does shivering come?

  • Whenever we do any movement, our body generates heat by taking advantage of it, due to which the body remains warm. This is the reason why when we exercise in summers, we start feeling very hot. But the body has to keep its temperature fixed. That’s why we start sweating immediately and the effect of heat starts to calm down. This process is related to shivering in the winter season, in which the body does this to increase its temperature.
  • In the winter season or in the summer season during fever, whenever our body temperature starts decreasing, the body starts shivering. This happens because during shivering our body starts moving and when the body moves then heat is generated inside the body. Along with shivering, the skin cells start shrinking so that the heat that is being generated inside the body does not go outside in the air. This is the reason why goosebumps also come when shivering comes. Means, if you don’t help the body in maintaining body temperature by generating energy by shaking your body, then it itself does this work by making you shiver! Isn’t it interesting.

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Diet For Winter Glow: Consume buttermilk with this method in the winter season, pink blush and natural glow will come on the cheeks

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